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How Much Will You Spend on PU Promotional Gifts?

Time:2014-08-29 Author:

Animal squishy toys can work as promotional gifts. They come with a variety of price tags attached. Even though you don't want to break the budget with the money you spend on animal squishy toys, it is also quite important to keep in mind that your PU promotional gifts are important and that you do have to fork over a few cash for them. How do you decide how much to spend on PU promotional gifts? Here are some things to keep in mind when you're setting that budget:

How large is your company?

The larger your company, the more you'll have to spend on PU promotional gifts, particularly if the goal of the cartoon animal squishy toy is to assist your company grow. Of course, your budget total will be much larger with a larger company than with a mom-and-pop shop. Generally, think in terms of percentage of the total budget instead of in terms of dollar amounts.

Who will receive the animal squishy toys?

Promotion gifts that you give away at a state fair will be much less expensive than promotional gifts you give to your top clients as appreciation gifts for opening large accounts. Imagine how you would feel if you won the lottery and decided to open a new account to keep your savings in a bank...and all they gave you for that was a pencil that said. We appreciate your business. Of course, it's your prerogative to give gifts at all, but when you do so, make sure they aren't insulting.

How often do you give away PU promotional gifts?

If you and your business attend thousands of conventions every year, you'll obviously need more PU promotional gifts. More often means more money as well, even though it actually depends on the kinds of gifts you buy.

What type of impression do you want to give your customers or potential customers?

Your PU promotional gifts are strong marketing tools, and branding is really important. Cheap cartoon animal squishy toys don't necessarily mean that your products or services aren't good quality, but in the business world, occasionally the first impression is all you get. Spending a bit more money on certain PU promotional gifts is definitely something to think about.

What purpose do your promotional gifts serve?

This goes hand in hand with who will be accepting your promotional items. If your PU promotional gifts are simply to get the word out about your business, cutting costs is fine in exchange for quality. On the other hand, if your gifts are meant to show appreciation, quality is important.